It Takes Time

It Takes Time

Trust the process is a saying that I have been using a lot lately in my journey.

It helps me to remember that you may not notice the changes day to day but over time you will.

It helps me to remember to just keep going and see what happens.

It helps me to remember that things that are important to you takes time.

It helps me to remember to just keep focusing on what I need to do for now.

This made me think about my journey of recovery from an eating disorder.

Had I made the connection that things take time, I might have been kinder to myself in the process.

I had to realise that recovery is not a straight line it is linear and has challenges.

I had to remember that, that is okay and I wasn’t a failure when my journey didn’t look like someone else’s.

Or, that someone spent less time in hospital then I did.

How I thought I would recover was not how my journey went.

I did not have that focus when I was in the hospital I was just focusing on minute by minute.

I couldn’t even imagine myself well at that time and what I would look and feel like.

I couldn’t imagine living a full life.

I was not trusting the process.

I did not realise that it was a journey.

Trusting the process was hard.

I found trust difficult when I was in hospital and it took a few attempts and a lot of tears to find the right professional for my recovery.

When you have that trust and you realise that someone sees you as a person and not the illness then slowly trust begins.

I have realised that for me, to trust the process I need someone who is nurturing and caring.

I realised I did not need someone that was clinical and head theory.

When I am trusting the process, I need to be surrounded by nurturing and caring people.

This is what works for me.

Finding someone that is cheering you on is so very important.

Who is cheering you on?

It takes time and it will be so worth it.

Will share more soon.

Singing Performance Workshop

Singing Performance Workshop

I did a thing last month and enrolled in a singing performance workshop.

I did one last year and I loved it.

What happens in the workshops is that you choose a song and sing it. You are also videoed and then the other people there give you feedback about your performance. You have to think about the words of the songs, what does it mean to you, why you chose it and the feelings.

Even though I did it last year, I still had those nerves.

I didn’t know who would be there and if I would remember the words.

Last Monday was the first night and I arrived and was greeted by my singing teacher who runs it. It was lovely to see her.

There were also people who attended last year and it was great to see them again.

The song I sang was Nothing Compares to You.

We get to sing the song two times.

After we sing the first time we listen to the constructive feedback and how we can improve the song.

It could be little changes like using the mic stand or not using it, it could be sitting down to sing or it could be putting more feelings in the song.

The second time I sang I just thought about what the song was about and just sang it. The song for me was sadness.

I love to sing and I am so hard on myself.

I am thinking will I remember the words, will I come in on time, will I remember the timing, will I be able to sing how I practiced at home or is my outfit see through.

I guess when things are important to us, we want to do well.

I want to get to the stage where I am in the moment just singing the song and not having all the negative thoughts bombard my experience.

I want to get to the stage where it is okay to muck up the song and be okay about it.

I want to be real on stage.

I am so looking forward to the next few weeks, yes, I am still feeling the nerves.

My words for the year are courage and creativity.

So, this is what I am doing stepping out with courage and being creative.

I may be shaking a bit but I am going to do this with courage.

I will share more soon.

Gym Goals

Gym Goals

This week I had a session with my PT (trainer) and it was a leg session and yes it was difficult. We worked on technique and form.

I spoke with him about working toward a show and we have a goal now for next May.

So, for now there is no cardio, for the moment and we are now building muscle.

What does that mean, I will need to increase food and just focus on weight training.

I did say to him so I won’t get to make friends with the Stairmaster?

He said you will never make friends with it.

I tried.

I had been doing 20 minutes at level 9, 3 times a week.

Yes, the Stairmaster is challenging and just hard.

We will add in cardio later. So, we may get to be friends.

I look at the photo that is with this blog and I am reminded of where I have come from.

I am a woman who –

  • started doing the gym for her mental health
  • is looking after herself
  • is investing in herself
  • is caring for herself
  • is realising that she is worthy
  • wakes up at 4.30 am and is at the gym around 5.45 am
  • meal preps
  • organises what she needs for the week.

I have found out that I am loving the challenge of learning new things.

I am also learning to trust the process.

This is a huge thing to learn, you won’t see the development every day, but what you are doing is making the difference.

This would be the opposite of how I thought going to the gym would look and feel like.

I have to be patient with myself, it is about showing up.

I started the gym last year on May 11th  2023 and my Gymiversary is close. It has nearly been one year, which I am very grateful for.

I will celebrate that day, it is marked in my planner of the day I made a decision.

It is the decision that helped me and has encouraged me.

I cannot wait to see what happens in the next few months.

I will share more soon.

Adventures with my Niece

Adventures with my Niece

It is school holidays and on Tuesday this week I had someone come and stay with me for 4 nights and 5 days.

Yes, it was my youngest niece.

I love spending time with her and we do have lots of fun, maybe not that much sleep but lots of fun.

She likes to make an agenda for everyday that she would like to do.

We don’t always get to complete the list but they are fun.

We started out on Wednesday morning going to Kmart.

We set of at 8 am, I know early but that is okay.

We were driving done the highway when I noticed that the truck next to me had bags of, I am guessing hay and some hay bales.

I then saw that two of the bags fell of right next to me and I drove over whatever was in the bags.

I screamed, my niece laughed and then I pulled over to the side.

I got out and there was so much hay blowing around us.

The guy who was driving the truck did stop and came over to see if we were okay.

I got his contact details just in case anything happened with my car later.

He wasn’t happy, I was shaking and thankfully we were okay.

He said to me it was just chaff.

I at the time did not know what were in the bags as I drove over them.

Well then, I calmed down and we got back onto the road for our next adventure.

After that I did need to have a coffee, so that is was we did.

We then went to Kmart, were my niece loves the skin care dupes there.

It was fun shopping with her and seeing what she was interested in.

We had a little haul and I brought some things for school as well.

Well, that was Wednesday’s adventure.

We spent the next few days, being creative, listening to music, playing games, watching TV, laughing, eating, shopping for snacks, dancing in the rain and having fun.

I love spending time with her and creating memories.

I am grateful that she loves spending time with me as well.

Now I am sitting here at home and it is a little quieter, I also have the TV remote to myself.

I can’t wait to see what will happen on our next adventure.

Will share more soon.

Still Trusting the Process

Still Trusting the Process

I have just completed week 10 of my gym journey for this year so far.

I am really enjoying the challenge of going to the gym and learning new routines.

I am enjoying the challenge of what I am learning at the gym.

It can be intimidating and I always think, I don’t want to be on a gym fails.

I sometimes think am I doing the exercise properly, what does my form look like.

Oh, I have had a few moments at the gym where I could have been on gym fails, one when I was with my trainer and I was doing a step up on the bench.

I think you may know what happened, yes, I lost my balance and could feel myself falling in slow motion.

I did regain my balance, thank goodness.

Anyway, that is probably one for another series.

My new program which I started a few weeks ago is challenging and I do love a challenge.

So, I have accepted this challenge for the next few months.

My personal trainer has a new app for our programs and I love how it tracks your weights and lets you know your personal goals.

I am still attending the gym 5 mornings a week before I go to work.

I still go in the school holidays, which I am on now.

As I have written before it does take some organising and commitment.

What have I noticed in the last few weeks?

I have noticed that I am getting stronger, the other day I legged pressed 175 kilos on the low feet leg press.

I have noticed that going to the gym is great for my mental health and for setting the day up.

I have learnt that I can change my free weights on the machines.

I have learnt not to overthink the exercise and to have trust in what I am doing.

I am learning to trust the process.

It takes time to build muscle.

It takes time to invest in yourself.

It is about investing in your health.

What is something you are doing to invest in your health?

Would love to hear from you.

Let’s encourage one another.

I will share more soon.

Setting Goals

Setting Goals

This year I have also decided that it is the year for setting goals and achieving goals.

As you know the last few weeks, I have been deep cleaning my house.

Yes, every weekend I choose a room clean, sort and organise that room.

I have really enjoyed it.

I have finished my house now and I love it.

It was a process and the goal was met.

I also had a cleanout at both of my offices where I work.

I don’t know about you but sorting through items and then donating those items that I now longer need has been very satisfising.

I have love it.

I do have some paperwork that I need to sort and that will be achieved.

This weekend I have been able to focus on achieving and planning for new goals.

Some of my goals for the next few months are-

  • Learning the songs that I have chosen for open mic
  • Make a time to go to an open mic
  • Continue my studying and work on module 5 (I would really like to finish it by next month)
  • Write for publications

I think it is about being brave and having a go.

I would love to hear some of your goals for the next few months.

Let’s encourage each other on and see what happens.

I will share more soon.

Tracey Buckley

Things I have learnt on my gym journey

Things I have learnt on my gym journey

I had a bit of a break on the holidays, I didn’t follow my meal plan and had a few weeks of the gym.

I had a break and had food delivered.

I also had a drink, which I had not had for about 8 months.

How did I feel, when I wasn’t eating properly and not training?

Well, it was an experience.

 I felt happy in the moment, I also felt lethargic, I didn’t seem to like how I was feeling.

Anxiety began to arise in me and I was concerned that I would feel like I did this time last year.

I didn’t want to relive that time again.

I reached out to my personal trainer and got back into the gym.

We had a session where he assured me that it is okay to go of your meal plan, it is okay to have a break from going to the gym.

I knew this myself but I needed to hear this.

I needed to know that I hadn’t wrecked my journey or my goal.

My goal is still possible and all I needed was to get back on track.

So, I did.

It is now week 6 and I am back on my journey.

I am back on my meal plan and am training 5 mornings a week at the gym.

I love the way I am feeling now, I am happier.

What have I learnt on my journey so far-

  • Follow your meal plan
  • It is a journey
  • Trust the process
  • It takes a while to get stronger
  • Be patient with yourself
  • I have a great personal trainer
  • Ask questions
  • Be real with yourself
  • Ask for help
  • I am on my own journey
  • You can have a break
  • You can go of your meal plan
  • Just show up

I am really loving this journey and cannot wait to see what happens this year.

It’s an adventure that I am really enjoying at the moment.

Will share more soon.

Tracey Buckley

Sorting and Cleaning

Sorting and Cleaning

I have found myself this month cleaning and sorting.

It started when I had a day at one of my schools to get ready for the term.

I decided to go through my office and to donate or throw out items that I no longer needed.

It took me a day and the end result was that I was really happy with it.

I have another office at my other school, so I decided to go through this one as well. I also went through the cupboard that had all the craft items. I had a lot of items that I no longer used.

I loved it, sorting, and cleaning set myself up for the year.

Then I carried this sorting and cleaning to my house.

Every weekend for the past three weeks I have made a list to go through one or two rooms in my house.

It has been refreshing, I have donated items, I have thrown out broken or damaged items.

At this stage I still have my craft room to go, which I think will probably take me a few weeks to be honest.

I am a creative and I have a lot of craft items, can you really have to much craft items? I do not think so.

I do not know why I am on this sorting and cleaning adventure, I really don’t.

I am enjoying it and I am loving the result.

It is quite freeing and I am in the zone of cleaning and sorting.

There is something about it.

Over the last few weeks, I have-

  • Cleaned my food pantry
  • Gone through my lined cupboard
  • Sorted my clothes
  • Sorted my shoes
  • Cleaned and organised my bathroom cupboard
  • Cleaned and organised my laundry cupboard
  • Deep cleaned rooms
  • Cleaned skirting boards
  • Taken items to the op shop

I cannot wait to see how my house will look in the next month and how it will feel.

I am excited, but for now I need to get back to some cleaning.

I will share more later.

Tracey Buckley

Last year my word was self-care and I embraced on a wellness journey of going to the gym.

Now for me it was not an easy, in 2023 it was the most difficult journey for me as a Chaplain.

Let us focus on 2023, I did find if difficult during January as I was focusing on my long service leave.

If you have been following me you would know that my long service leave was not how I thought it would be.

I just sat on my couch and cried, yes, I am being vulnerable here.

I just did not know what to do and who to reach out to.

I am so grateful for how God places people into our lives.

I wanting to go on my gym journey and then I found my amazing personal trainer, who was there for me.

He did not judge me but helped me where I was and kept on helping me.

So fast forward to 2024, what is my word for this year?

I have prayed about this and now my word is—–

I have two words-

                  Courage and Creativity

 I want to have courage in being creative.

I want to be able to embrace new opportunities.

I want to be able to experience new opportunities.

I would love to hear from you, what is your word or words for 2024.

Let us encourage each other.

Will share more soon.

Tracey Buckley

My Gym Journey, Week Thirty-Three

My Gym Journey, Week Thirty-Three

I find myself now on my gym journey going into my thirty third week of being at the gym.

What! Who would have thought.

I have missed one full week being at school camp and two weeks ago I missed two days as I was unwell.

I am still waking up at 4.30 am and at the gym by 6.00 am 5 mornings a week.

I remember when it was week 5 then week 10 and then I just kept on going.

I am loving the whole process and learning so much on this journey.

It is now school holidays and I am still committed to being at the gym five days a week. I just might have a bit of a sleep in some days.

I am now increasing my weights and have a new program which I am working through.

I do have a personal trainer which I am grateful for, because let’s be real, I don’t know what I am doing.

I really do not know what I am doing, I have this fear at the gym that I will be on gym fails.

I think that I will fall of the treadmill or the stair master or crash doing a box jump.

I do not know if you can relate to this?

I am enjoying this journey.

It is a process and a day-by-day journey.

This has been part of my word for the year which has been self-care.

I am committed to seeing where I can go on this journey.

Will share more soon.

Tracey Buckley