Life and the Single Christian Girl

Life and the Single Christian Girl

Life and the Single Christian Girl

I Am a Work in Progress

I am still learning to pace myself, to balance my time this includes my work, time to reflect, time to look after myself and time to spend with my family.

I am definitely a work in progress.

I don’t have it all together. I admit it, I own it I do not have it all together. I am okay with it, as I am learning heaps along the way.

As a single Christian girl I am still learning about the expectations that I place on myself and I have realised that I sometimes place unrealistic expectations on myself.

But it’s okay as I am learning.

Today I just had such a lovely day.



Today I felt that I had made a difference.

My prayer is that I would love to be the Married Christian Girl this has been a dream of mine for a long time.

It would be lovely to come home and have that chance to share my day with someone. Ohhh a girl can dream.

Today I have learnt that I love helping people, I love chatting with people and just being there for them.

I have also learnt that I want to get back into my boxing, I miss it I really do and I know that it is great for me physically and mentally it really challenges me.

Today I am feeling very blessed.

Will talk soon.

Loves and Hugs


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