Day Twenty Eight #writingchallenge101

Day Twenty Eight #writingchallenge101


Life and the Single Christian Girl…………..


Today I attended my first aid course, I had to read before I attended and answer an assessment.


Today I attended the practical and yes I passed!!!!!!!






Yeah I am so excited!


I found that this time it was a lot easier and I don’t know why I was stressing so much.


I am really glad that I have completed it and I know that I will be confident if I need to use it.


Now I have come home and I am at my sister who has cooked an amazing meal and I love her hospitality.


I love catching up with my sister we so support each other in what we want to dream and achieve



She is amazing in what she does in her day to day life.


So yes I have loved today and I have said before that today is a gift and it is.


What I have achieved since 2007 even I could not have imagined how amazing my life is.


Please be encouraged.


Please if you need to do a First Aid Course, or if you are asked to do one go for it.


You may never know how you may impact someone’s life.



Blessed to lean a new skill.


Blessed to stay afresh with what I know.


Love that I can help someone.


Blessed to be a blessing.


Loves and Hugs.


