Day Thirty #writingchallenge101

Day Thirty #writingchallenge101


Life and the Single Christian Girl……….


I have found myself at the end of another month of blogging. So far this year I have blogged every day since the 1st of March 2014.


I am really enjoying the challenge of writing everyday and also the discipline it takes.


I am really looking forward to the holidays and just enjoying the days.


I will be preparing for the holiday program next week. I am working three days and I really love it.

I think that it helps my creativity.

My program this holidays consist of a Teddy Bear day, I am going to cut out some cardboard teddy bear shapes and then the children can add wool and googly eye. I am asking the children to bring in their teddy bears.  We are going to have a teddy bear story and some games.


Then in the afternoon we are going to make some cards of all different types.




The next day I am having a clay art and playdough day so lots of messy fun. The children can make what they would like an animal or a person. I will have some craft items for them to add to the clay.


Then in the afternoon I am buying some canvases for the children to draw on using fine line textas and then they are going to wash over it with edicol dye.


The next day I have a full day of drama workshop which will be great.


So lots of preparation work but it will all be worth it.




Will share more tomorrow.


Loves and Hugs

